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Trust yourself in the art-making process…

This week I made a painting with my long-time friend, Artist and Art2Life Coach, Noah Woods! We had a blast playing and collaborating. We each brought our sensibilities to this…

A studio cleanup tip…

I’m back from my show opening, and it’s time for a bit of studio housekeeping. I’ve returned to several buckets with dried-up paint. Take a look… It makes clean-up easy because I only have to use a screwdriver to scrape the dried paint out. This is an efficient way to…

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Take an exclusive tour of my exhibition…

I’m back from the opening of my latest exhibition “Flourish” that took place at Julie Nester Gallery, and I’m really happy with how it turned out! Let me walk you through a tour of the show and share my thoughts. Once the work is out of the studio and hanging…

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Choosing the perfect finish….

In art and life, we all get stuck at times and don’t know how to move forward. Whenever this happens to me, I’m reminded that the answer is always the same—just try something! This just came up for me as I was completing my newest work. I wasn’t sure what…

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