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Haramara November 28th – December 5th, 2020 FAQ

When it comes to attending an Art2life workshop, our aim is to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for you. As such, we’ve put together this handy FAQ bank – if you have a question about this workshop, you’ll likely find the answer here! That said, if you do have a question that isn’t covered below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at in**@ar******.com and it would be our pleasure to help.

Dates, Travel and Accommodations
Address: Haramara Retreat, Playa La Escondida, No 196 OTE
Workshop dates: November 28th to December 5th, 2019
Room check in time on November 28th: 3:00pm
Room check out time on December 5th: 10:00am
Please have your luggage packed and placed on the porch outside your cabana at least one hour prior to your departure time. Haramara staff will pick up your luggage and deliver it to the arrival/departure area. For those of you flying out after you check out of your cabana, you can hang out with your luggage at Haramara’s restaurant and terrace while you wait.

When traveling to Haramara, you will be flying into Puerto Vallarta International Airport (the call letters are PVR). As the check in time for the workshop is 3pm, please book your flights such that you land at PVR around 1pm to 2pm on November 28th. If you can only book a flight that has you landing at PVR prior to 1pm to 2pm, that is fine – you can arrive at Haramara early and hang out while your cabana is being prepared.

Haramara provides shuttle service to and from the airport. To that point, the retreat shuttle is $90 U.S. for a shuttle from the airport to Haramara and $65 U.S. for a shuttle from Haramara to the airport. These rates are for one to four people – meaning that if you have 4 people in a shuttle going to Haramara then the $90 cost is split 4 ways – with an additional $5 U.S. for each person up to seven. Please do note that these rates are subject to change. Traveling to Haramara by shuttle is definitely the preferred method, but if you would like to arrive at Haramara via another method, when you sign up for the workshop, just send us an email to in**@ar******.com to let us know you will be arriving at Haramara on your own.

Your workshop fee covers all lodging and food during the workshop. Haramara prides itself on offering delicious and healthy gourmet meals that are made from only the freshest natural and local ingredients. Their menu is chosen daily by their chef based on the ingredients that are available that day. The always-changing daily menu includes seafood or vegetarian dishes. With advance notice, special dietary requirements can be accommodated. Coffee and fresh squeezed juice is offered in the mornings. Tea, purified water and fresh fruit water are available all day. Beer, wine and margaritas are available for purchase in the afternoons and at dinner.

Haramara rests directly against the Pacific ocean and is lined by beaches, which workshop participants are encouraged to enjoy at their leisure, so do be certain to bring a bathing suit! On the subject of Haramara’s terrain, it is located on 12 acres of private land between the Sierra Madre Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Nestled into the tropical jungle vegetation on a hillside, it overlooks the wild and rugged coast of the Pacific Ocean and its own pristine unspoiled beach. All areas of the retreat are connected by a network of unpaved trails. Some of them are steep and can be slippery. Sturdy walking shoes are recommended. Due to the nature of the terrain of the Haramara Retreat it is not recommended for young children or persons with limited or impaired mobility.

Please bring clothes suited for warm to hot weather. The Central Pacific Coast of Mexico is surrounded by jungle and receives approximately 345 days of sunshine per year. Located on the same latitude as the Hawaiian Islands, its sub-tropical climate is often compared to Hawaii’s. Temperatures can reach 90 degrees during the summer, along with high humidity, but at night, the onshore breeze brings cool air that makes for pleasant sleeping conditions. December is typically comfortable (low to mid 70s) but can be chilly at night (low to mid 60s).

There are beach towels available for your use. You may replace your beach towel as needed. A towel deposit of $20 U.S. is charged and will be returned at the end of your stay with the return of your towel. Please do note that the price of $20 is subject to change.

Haramara offers both private and group classes. If you are interested in taking a class or classes, you can arrange a meeting with the instructor when you arrive. The instructor will meet with you personally to discuss style and experience and you may then make arrangements to take a class or classes directly with the instructor. Classes are 90 minutes and can be held in the early morning, late afternoon or both. The cost of a yoga class is $20 U.S. per person with a minimum charge of $60 U.S. If there are less than 3 participants the minimum charge will be divided equally among the participants. Please do note that the quoted prices are subject to change.

There are no phones, internet or fax at Haramara Retreat. If you would like to use the phone, internet, or fax you will need to go into the town of Sayulita. In case you need to leave contact information to be reached in an emergency, the phone number to leave is the Haramara Business Office number in Tucson, AZ: 1-800-687-3132 or the email address: in**@ha*************.com. Messages will be delivered to you out at the retreat as soon as possible.

If you would like to learn anything more about Haramara, you can visit their website at https://haramararetreat.com. They also have an extensive FAQ bank which we highly recommend you check out – just click here to learn more.

Workshop Itinerary
The schedule below represents an average workshop day at Haramara. Please note that while this is the schedule for the workshop, nothing is exactly set in stone. Nicholas is very good at reading the vibe of the group and he will do whatever he can to make sure everyone feels like they are accommodated. We have some flexibility with mealtimes to fit in with the workshop program but our typical schedule is as follows…

8:00am – 9:30am Breakfast
9:30am – 12:00pm Workshop
12:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 – 3:30pm Free Time – do whatever you would like! Relax, walk along the beach, hang out.
3:30pm – 7:00pm Workshop
7:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner
After dinner, people can continue working throughout the night if they choose.

Art Materials
One of the hallmarks of any Art2life workshop is the Art Kit. This kit is sent to every Art2life workshop attendee, and it contains everything you need to enjoy the workshop. If you are traveling to Haramara by plane, please note that your Art2life Art Kit MUST be checked as luggage; you cannot carry it onto the plane. To learn what each Art Kit contains, just click here. If there are art materials you would like to bring that are not included in the art kit, then we certainly encourage you to do so. The weight of the art kit is around 11 lbs.

Art kits are typically sent out 2 to 3 months prior to the start of the workshop. If this schedule does not work for you, please let us know at your earliest convenience and it would be our pleasure to accommodate you if possible. On that note, for those of you attending the workshop who do not live in the United States, Nicholas will be bringing your art kit with him.

Workshop Cost
There are five rooming options at Haramara: single, double, triple, quad, and dorm occupancy. We have a limited number of each of these types of rooms, and as such they are available on a first come, first served basis. The cost breakdown for these two rooming options is as follows:

Single Occupancy Room: $4431 – Click here to register
Double Occupancy Room: $3376 – Click here to register
Triple Occupancy Room: $3060 – Click here to register
Quad Occupancy Room: $2743 – Click here to register
Dorm: $2321 – The dorm option is available only to female workshop participants. Interested parties should contact us at in**@ar******.com.

When registering for this workshop, we require a 1/3rd deposit. The remaining 2 payments are automatically taken out of your account on the following dates:

2nd payment: September 1st, 2019
3rd and final payment: November 1st, 2019

Need More Info?
Please feel free to reach out if you have additional questions at in**@ar******.com. We are here to help!
