The Art2Life Academy is a community of experienced artists who are committed to advancing their art, process and careers to high level. Enrollment is offered only once a year and is only available to those who have completed an Art2Life Destination Workshop or the 12 week Creative Visionary Program (CVP). To find out how and when you can join one of these programs, please reach out to us at in**@ar******.com. Thank you so much for your interest.

“I’m glad to be a part of this community which serves as a constant reminder of how badly I want to paint and make good art It is invaluable to know there is a community behind us and I feel like I’m still involved, if peripherally. And best part is that I’m still learning. I’m so glad I made the decision to continue this adventure with the Academy. It’s stressful at times, but it’s also a lifeline!”
“I am looking at all the beautiful new work posted on this site and in particular in the 1Up challenge and I am just itching to dive back in.”
“I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive here. It really seems that I am thriving on it daily. I miss visiting here when I am away or too busy. I really don’t know how I got along before. One thing for sure, you friends are motivating me TONS. I know I have a long way to go to get where I’d like to be, but it actually seems possible now. Sadly, I used to feel some discouragement from others’ big successes at times. I didn’t want to feel that. It was jealousy that I didn’t want to see in myself. Now I feel that I am a part of a group that wants to help mr keep on going. Much appreciation.
“I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive here. It really seems that I am thriving on it daily. I miss visiting here when I am away or too busy. I really don’t know how I got along before. One thing for sure, you friends are motivating me TONS. I know I have a long way to go to get where I’d like to be, but it actually seems possible now. Sadly, I used to feel some discouragement from others’ big successes at times. I didn’t want to feel that. It was jealousy that I didn’t want to see in myself. Now I feel that I am a part of a group that wants to help mr keep on going. Much appreciation.
“Finally, I gave my notice to the friend I was working part-time for and starting on November 1st, I will be free to paint my heart’s content ! Yesss! I do want to add that you are all inspiring in one way or another and it may have to do something with my enthusiasm :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you!”
“I just heard I’ve had a painting selected for a prominent selected exhibition! I’m so excited! It’s with a painting I started in CVP too! The Shape of Memory. Thanks Nicholas Wilton and team, you have all made such a difference in my life. And thanks to all members too, your interactions are invaluable.”
“I knew I wanted to show my new body of work, but didn’t realize how focused and clear I would become as a result of my needing to write a statement about my intentions and feelings about this body of work. I was surprised at how clear I was. To me, my clarity points to the confidence that Nick suggested we would develop as we learn the art principles he’s been teaching us. When I became stronger in my understanding about how to create art intuitively, I became stronger in being able to describe it to others. I found people interested in my new work, and that thrilled me. It showed me that “common people” CAN tell which work is better!!!!!! They really do feel a difference. I think that is amazing, and it is enough encouragement for me, to realize that I can connect with customers on a feeling level. I’m thrilled!”
“Although gratitude is an understatement, I cannot say enough about how grateful I am for this community and everything that it stands for. I have learned so so much from the program and from all of you who have spent their lives committed to that of being an artist. Thank you ALL for being lighthouses on this path, providing light inside and at the end of the tunnel.”
“I have sold 21 paintings since taking the CVP class! And have been accepted to three juried shows this fall, and am having another solo show in my small town at a coop gallery as a guest artist. Having sold two big ones, I’m starting to feel like a real artist, lol! Have set up my website and it’s working well. Thanks again for for all the encouragement and words of advice!”
“Regarding the question about pulling out of the stagnation…well, I post what I am doing in the Art2Life Academy! Feedback is SO important, I think, during these times. Another thing I do, if I don’t post anything, is to read all the comments about how others are facing their challenges, and I find comfort and encouragement there.”
I love the sentiment here in all the remarks, support, gratitude and shifting of attitude of abundance for all. Thanks to the group and Nicholas for leading us to that understanding. It is different from what I am experiencing in the art world, and I am loving this thinking. I am feeling like I am in kindergarten, learning to play with others all over again.”
“I am just catching up, listened to this on a plane returning home yesterday, and it was so powerful on so many levels. I loved the great ideas for overcoming fear and resistance, as I struggle with both. Somehow it was reassuring to know how pervasive the struggle is for everyone. We are all in this together. I love the Academy, feel so supported and enlightened. And then I return home and there is a card from NW, I was about in tears for the feeling of belonging. That is one of my life issues this go around. The belonging is what I will remember as I armor myself against the fear and resistance. Thank you for this wonderful information.”