Do you ever feel like you are trying too hard when you are making your art?
I know I have felt this way.
It can feel like you are crawling through the desert on your knees.
But it doesn’t have to.
This reason this sometimes happens is because you are trying too many
new things all at the same time.
Does this sound familiar?
Listen to this Sunday’s Vlog to learn some ways around this challenge.
Watch the video below to check it out.
In it I hit a few workarounds.
Experimentation is fun because there are usually no expectations of a getting a final result.
However, experimenting with the intent of getting a particular outcome is not so fun.
In fact, it can totally take the wind out of your sails.
One of the ways to make the whole process easier is to reduce the amount of new
things you are trying to do from one piece to the next.
This allows you to more easily learn.
It is all about applying your learning from the first to the second and third piece of art.
How do you manage the need to change with the desire to consistently
make something you like?
Leave a comment below and let us know
And… today we announce the Cosmic Carnival photography book winner…
Good Luck!
I hope your Sunday is fabulous.
PS I am starting to get really excited… in just a couple of weeks, the Free Art2Life Workshop begins!
Make sure you are on the list…
It all starts this Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th. Tell all your friends!
It will let you see your own art in a brand new way.
PSS Here is the link where you can grab your own copy of photographer @arthur_drooker Cosmic Carnival. Enjoy!
Link to where you can buy the book

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.