Become the artist you are meant to be.

Learn how to make the art that only you can create
The Creative Visionary Program offers a transformation of your art.
This 12-week, highly interactive online program will give you the mindset, essential art making information, and a sustainable process to make your art stronger and more like you — whether your art is abstract, realistic, or anywhere in between.
It is for artists of all levels, whether you are a motivated beginner, returning to your art after an extended break, or an established career artist.
The Art2Life Framework makes it possible for you to discover and ignite your best and most personal art yet.

Mindset is about re-discovering what inspires you - what brings you alive. We are going to help you let go of any limiting beliefs that you still might be holding. Questioning your talent, thinking you don’t have time, and lacking confidence are just a few limiting beliefs that are way too heavy to carry where you are headed.

All the Information
You need ALL the crucial information when it comes to making strong work, and over the next 12 weeks inside CVP, we will provide that information week by week. By the end CVP you will equipped with everything you need to create a thriving, lifelong art practice.

So many things are changeable in your art making, but having one thing - a reliable process that makes it possible to create more quickly and easily - that is a game changer. In CVP we teach you an actual process of art making that makes it more sustainable and enjoyable.
All of this, plus an unbelievably supportive community of like-minded artists, just like you.

"This course has been life changing for me - not only in my art practice but in my whole outlook. I have such a consistent practice now and am looking within for inspiration. I am having FUN!! I was truly amazed at how quickly I have changed my thinking and attitude from one of fear and negativity to one of joy and positivity.
Even though mindset was probably my biggest hurdle, I have also benefited from all the principles (which weren't taught at my art school), and my painting has improved so much. I recently had a solo show at a regional gallery, which was meant to be all ceramics, but ended up including about 15 paintings, almost all of which sold. There is no way I would have achieved this if not for CVP, which gave me the kick to just go for it!"
— Susan
"I consider myself a beginner...I'd taken a couple of art classes after high school, then trained to become a registered nurse. Art is my self-care. Joining CVP gave me the confidence to just go for it, to move forward in my art making. I got that confidence from all the support that CVP offered and continues to offer, even 2 years later. I talk to a CVP-er every day now. Now it's not just me in this lonely art world. I have a whole team of people encouraging me and supporting me, pushing me forward and saying: you can do this! It's amazing...it's a great feeling."
— Arron

"I've only been painting as an adult for the past 4 years (I painted as a child but stopped). I've taken close to 100 classes and courses since then, but CVP is by far the course I wish I knew about from the beginning of my journey. My art & life have taken a major shift since CVP."
— Roma
"I felt like I was painting in the dark before. And then somebody turned on the lights...or maybe they just showed me where the light switch was. After taking CVP, I learned that there's nothing to be intimidated about. Once I was in the course, the generosity of Nick and the team just envelops you. If you want to improve, just take the leap and do it."
— Kelly
The Art2Life Principles

“I think back to the slower days when I was on my own, working away. Now, I have an absolute drive to get up and do my art. I'm in my studio every day. I look at what I'm making now, and there's no way I could have done that a year ago.”
— Nessa
"CVP unleashed my creativity. Prior to this course, I only painted on occasion and usually when in a workshop. By finally learning the foundational principles, I was able to take off on my own. Without even trying, I have sold 9-10 pieces. I couldn't have done it without CVP. It's a whole new life!"
— Patricia
"I was working with oil, pushing paint around timidly...I wanted to learn and get better. CVP asked me questions I hadn't thought about before that added new relevance and meaning to my work. Things began to transform for me right away. I'm learning not to get stuck on things...and I'm having a lot more success because I'm not so worried about the outcome.
— Rand

"One of the main things that's so great about CVP is the group dynamic. I didn't realize I would get to chat and become friends with other artists — other artists who are beginners like me, and others who are professionals. It's so helpful. I was shy at first but everyone is so encouraging. Especially now with COVID, this is such a good way to be connected with people. I'm still friends with people I took CVP with - we applaud each other, we're there for each other when we're feeling bad. It's really a great program."
— Darla
"Before CVP, I was kind of broken down by living a life that wasn't really true to myself, and had gotten farther away from making art. After? I'm confident in my art making, much clearer on what I'm doing art-wise. Since taking CVP in 2017, I have been working full time as an artist and making a living making art."
— Amy
"Before CVP I struggled with my art and wondered if I was really an artist. I would focus on one painting until I finally liked it. This took forever. Now, I am confident and rely more on my intuition. I think I understand value (finally!) and how to improve my paintings without getting so frustrated. I am putting more of me in my paintings! I get great joy out of working in my studio and consequently, my life is better too as a result of CVP!"
— Jan

The Creative Visionary Program
Gets Results.
The Art2Life Creative Visionary Program will open for enrollment in 2024!