June 4, 2013



I just received this interesting blog post on indecision by Jonathon Fields that I found totally illuminating.

The idea here is that trying so hard to decide and figure out whether “A” or “B” is better, can sometimes overshadow a third option which is choosing neither one by simply postponing-basically ending up in possibly the most challenging state which is indecision.

If you choose “A” and upon reflection “B” was the correct answer then there are all kinds of things you can do in response to the changes brought on with making the wrong decision. One of the most important ideas regarding the wrong decision and one that has comforted me on sleepless nights when regret creeps in, is the  simple idea that we can make a “wrong  decision a right one.”

I love the notion that we carry inside us the capacity to create our own happiness – to take a train wreck decision and convert it into something amazing. Actually there  seems to be a connection between the magnitude or scale of a bad decision or misfortune and the scale and wondrous response down the road. The lessons learned from loss inform ideas of non attachment, the stress around fear of losing money diminishes once you actually have, the decision to actually choose the cracked vase over the perfect one all circle around to the idea that a decision that might not have been right when made, in the end becomes so.

In  painting I find this to also be true.  I am only able to improve upon my work when I finally make and commit to a decision in the work. If you are not sure – sheepishly trying or doing several half steps at the same time, you (and the viewer of the work) can get stuck in an eddy of indecision. Unsureness, hesitancy and self consciousness understandably generate art with similar attributes.

We want clarity and commitment in the work. When I have been able to distill this  in my work, there is a much greater resonance with viewers as well as collectors.

People like to feel they are going somewhere, or in the case of art, are being taken somewhere where there is enthusiasm and conviction not just in the art, but within the artist as well.

With gratitude,


P.S. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

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