February 13, 2022

Teaching your Art improves your Art

About 25 years ago, I worked in a small isolated studio. I’d work on my art all day long without seeing anyone, and I became lonely. As a result, I came up with the idea of maybe teaching a workshop to get me out around more people. As I was figuring out what to teach, I realized I needed to simplify what I’ve learned from my art first before I could help anyone else. So I began to ask myself some simple questions, which led to a breakthrough in my art and life.

Here’s what happened.

Simplifying an understanding of my art back then became the foundation of the Art2Life principles I still use in my teaching and my art today! Teaching is one of the most powerful ways to clarify our art. It starts with asking yourself the right questions to find your visual voice. Next, writing down a few simple ideas can provide direction whenever you need it. The learning goes even deeper if you share it! Finally, it’s valuable information others can apply to their work.

How do you simplify your ideas about your art? Let us know in the comments.

This week’s podcast is with one of the world’s best art teachers, Art2Life Coach, and artist Susan Melrath! Hear how teaching has made all the difference in her art and life. Click on the link below to subscribe.

Subscribe to the Art2Life Podcast!

Speaking of teaching, the FREE ART2LIFE WORKSHOP starts tomorrow, Monday, February 14th! I’ll share some powerful and actionable Design, Value, and Color ideas. In a matter of a day or two, you can shift your thinking and your art. It is going to be a fantastic workshop! I hope you can join us!

Click here to sign up for THE FREE ART2LIFE WORKSHOP!

Have a beautiful Sunday,


Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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