December 3, 2023

Finding new ways to work with acrylic paint…

Happy Sunday! Since working with acrylics on large paintings is new to me, I’ve had to figure out ways to slow the drying time like oils have. I came up with a super simple solution that I’m excited about and I have to share it with you!

Check it out…

A big brush and water is all I need to create a damp surface. This damp surface allows me to manipulate newly applied paint in cool ways. Plus it’s fun just to use this giant brush!

Let me know how you slow the drying time of acrylic paint! I’m thankful for all of the feedback you’ve been giving me about working with acrylic over this past week. I love learning from you all!

Coming this Wednesday, I’ll be sharing the next phase of the painting for my daughter on this week’s episode of the Art2Life Podcast! Starting a picture is easy, but moving through the murky middle can be challenging. I’ll be talking about how to stay energized and move forward with the parts that are working and see where they lead. I hope that these are helpful for you! Don’t forget that you can watch this week’s episode, on our YouTube Channel or listen on your favorite podcast streaming service.

Wishing you an art-filled week!


PS: I’d love to see what YOU are working on. We have an amazing Facebook Group and I just love scrolling through and seeing artists from all over the world sharing their art. If you aren’t in there yet, click here to join us!

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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