Hi there,
I have been away from my studio
this summer. When I returned, I felt
like a stranger to my art.
Do you ever feel this way?
I used to struggle with this
every time I came back after
a long break.
But I figured out some helpful
tips that might work for you too.
How can we drop back into our
art making quicker and easier?
That is what today’s Vlog is all about.
I explain 3 key concepts.
#1 Take imperfect action.
It is all about actually doing something
that you can see. It doesn’t have to be good
it just has to be started.
#2 Convenience vs Commitment.
Our art is the later. It never is
slam dunk easy or convenient.
Don’t expect it to be.
Make a commitment to action,
to doing something that
moves the needle.
#3 Use the strategy of “play.”
A play mindset can help you more easily
re engage with your art. It creates
a feeling of wonder, curiosity and
one that is less serious. This, by the way,
is the optimal head space for making
your most extraordinary art.
These 3 concepts have helped me.
Let us know what helps you in the comments below.
Hope your Sunday in the studio is fun.
PS From those who comment on
today’s Vlog I will choose two
people to win a Sennelier shirt
like the one I am wearing. I will
announce the winners next week.
Special thanks for the folks over
@artsavoirefaire for hooking us up
with a few of these great shirts.
Also check out @sennelier1887
to learn more about these
oil pastels and oil sticks.
If you want to purchase them
you can find them here
or better art stores in your area.
PSS If you are new to Art2life,
click on the link below to
get my free Color Tips PDF.
This can help improve
the color in your art.

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.