Last week I showed you a way to make dark lines by covering up shapes and leaving remnants of color. Today I want to show you how to create light lines in a similar but different way.
Check this out…
Leaving light hairlines where shapes of similar values meet is a beautiful way to activate your picture. I love how this technique accentuates the individual shapes while also adding cohesion to the overall work. This technique works especially well when working with dark or middle values. Adding both dark and light lines in your work adds rich layers of interest.
How do you create light lines in your art?
Let us know in the comments.
Have fun today
PS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art, and you are invited!

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.